Townsville Holidays Townsville accommodation, holidays in North Queensland, budget motels & weekend hotels 2018-11-25T21:34:29Z Townsville Holidays <![CDATA[4 Things To Watch Out For In Crete]]> 2018-11-25T21:34:29Z 2016-01-27T19:27:05Z When you are in the planning stages of your trip to Crete, there are a variety of concerns that need to be addressed beforehand. While Greece is a beautiful country, there are a number of tips and warnings that tourists will need to heed in order to maximize their vacation enjoyment. Keep reading to learn more:

1. Driving Differences

For those who wish to rent a vehicle while in Crete, it is important to know the main driving differences. First of all, there is a speed limit. Second of all, there are often no posted signs anywhere that indicate what that speed limit is. Keeping up with traffic is your best bet, whether you’re in a small car or bigger caravan. Road work could pop up at any time and there might be bumps on the road. Bear all of this in mind when you decide to go for a drive.

2. Strong Winds

If you are not careful while in Crete, you could lose items that you hold dear to their powerful winds. Some even say that cars that are parked too close to the sea have been blown into the waters and those who wish to head to the mountains to take photographs are especially susceptible to their whims. Whether or not that’s fully true, be careful when you step out to snap your pictures!

3. Plumbing Issues

Most people are accustomed to flushing their toilet paper whenever they use the restroom, but different rules apply when in Crete. The Greek plumbing system has not been constructed to handle mass amounts of waste, so visitors are often advised to put their waste paper in the bins that are provided. The newer toilets work normally, but remember to do as the sign says whenever you see one – failure to do so could result in a stoppage of your toilet and an unwanted visit from the remnants of past bathroom trips.

4. Pedestrian Pitfalls

Walking around Crete can be a blast, but tourists should beware of drivers at all times. There may be people driving who are not looking out for pedestrians and have very little patience for those who are in their way, so just strive to stay vigilant at all times. Pedestrian crossings might take a little longer to clear, but remain calm and enjoy your trip. Better safe than sorry!

First, featured photo by Oliver Clarke.


Townsville Holidays <![CDATA[Ways to Stay Healthy when Travelling]]> 2017-05-28T23:17:20Z 2015-12-16T21:15:39Z Staying healthy while travelling, especially if it is a long journey, can be a real challenge. Many destinations have quite different standards compared with home, and just walking around can be dangerous.

Not only that, but you can have quite a difficult time finding things that you normally rely on at home to help you take care of your health.

For them reasons, and the fact that there are so many ways for things to potentially go wrong, it’s a good idea to be well prepared before you go. That way you won’t end up like the folks who have their whole holiday spoiled by illness.

Study the place you’ll be going

While there’s a lot to be said for discovery and exploration, only a fool would go somewhere with no prior research at all. Knowing about the potential dangers you may face is a good first step to not having to face them, or at least being alert and ready when something comes up. A sensible place to start is the foreign travel advice website run by the UK government. It’s alphabetically indexed and lists all the major concerns you could face in each country.

Check out your hotel before you check in

Most hotels these days have been heavily reviewed by other travellers, so there’s really not much excuse not to find out as much as you can about the standards you can expect before you arrive. The sorts of things that should raise red flags include whether anyone mentioned that the hotel is located in a dangerous area, that it is difficult to find, it’s unclean, or that they serve bad food.

Find out the generic names of your medications

If you’re on any medications, find out what the generic names of them are, because many countries may not have your specific medication, but they may have a close equivalent. You should also check with your doctor to find out what substitutions are allowed. Get a letter from your doctor detailing what medications you need, in case you need to consult a foreign doctor while you’re away. For some destinations, it’s probably better not to import your medicines unless there’s no other choice, as you’ll typically have fewer problems if you purchase them after you’ve arrived.

Be a little careful about the foods you eat

It goes without saying that one of the best things about travelling is the variety of new and exotic foods you can sample. Having said that, in some destinations it can be sensible to not over-indulge on strange foods unless you know what’s in them, and how they were prepared.

Keep your eyes open

There are many dangers waiting for you as you go about your travels. Everything from falling down holes in the sidewalk to getting mugged is potentially a possibility. Maintaining a proper state of alertness will help you avoid becoming a victim. In general, staying safe and healthy while travelling is not difficult as long as you apply common sense.

Photo by Allen Sheffield. Edited for color and contrast.

Townsville Holidays <![CDATA[Winter Wonderland: Five Cities for Winter Travels]]> 2018-04-18T17:11:35Z 2015-12-15T18:00:00Z

Whether you want a warm getaway or a snowy wonderland, the United States offers the diverse climates and attractions you need for winter fun.

New Orleans

If a cultural getaway is your dream this winter, head to New Orleans. This city is known for its incredible jazz clubs, renowned cafes, and historical sites — all which are less crowded during the winter months. Hotel rates in and around the popular French Quarter decrease during the cooler (but still relatively warm) winter months, with the obvious exception of Mardi Gras. If you want to experience New Orleans’ rich history without the hassle of crowds or especially rowdy revelers, winter is the prime time to visit.


Partiers from across the country descend on Miami during the winter. Temperatures remain high enough for long days at the beach, followed by wild nights at local clubs. The cocktails are strong, the music is energetic, and the locals are scantily clad, all which combine to create an electric atmosphere that’s the polar opposite of cozy nights by the fireplace in the snowy North. Those looking for deals can stay in upscale hostels near Miami’s hottest beaches at extra-affordable rates during the winter.


Though it’s certainly no beach getaway, Chicago is worth the trip if you love the magic of the holidays. With Michigan Avenue completely lit up with holiday lights and beautiful storefront displays, you’ll be able to get your shopping done while soaking up the Christmas spirit. Meanwhile, the city has plenty of enticing indoor attractions where you can warm up from a day in the cold, including Broadway-caliber plays, cozy historic bars, and world-class restaurants. For those who have dreams of NYC at Christmas, Chicago does it just as well at better prices and with fewer crowds.


For families who want to see the country’s best theme parks, there’s no better place to visit than Orlando. Meanwhile, winter comes with the best rates for both hotels and park entrance fees, creating the perfect conditions for a family-friendly winter vacation. There’s no shortage of activities to keep the kids happy on a trip to Orlando. Plus, families from cooler climes get the added benefit of a warm and sunny locale.

Portland, Maine

For an escape to a true winter wonderland, a trip to Portland, Maine, is in order. The snowy surroundings create a wintry New England setting worthy of a storybook. Meanwhile, those who find the colder temperatures invigorating have plenty of options when it comes to outdoor winter fun, including cross-country skiing, sledding, tobogganing, and ice-skating. To warm up, head to a local brewery or visit antique shops, where both can be found in abundance here.

Do you prefer a winter vacation to somewhere serenely snowy or to a place where you can shed the layers and enjoy sunshine to share? Share your ideas for a delightful winter getaway in the comments.

Photo by David Ohmer

Townsville Holidays <![CDATA[The 5 Smallest Countries in the World You Are Welcome to Visit]]> 2016-09-08T00:46:59Z 2015-12-04T00:12:52Z Forget about the biggest countries in the world even the elementary school kid knows. Today I am going to share a top five list of the smallest countries in the world that are not only petite but also full of incredible history and culture. And the best part is that you are totally able to travel there too! So if you feel intrigued what I am talking about, let me tell you a story about five little countries in the world.


San Marino

Tiny of us know about this small country, and that is no wonder – it is minuscule. Despite the fact that Italy totally surrounds it, this little country truly has something to be proud of! In fact, San Marino is claimed to be the oldest surviving sovereign state in the world. Furthermore, it is also one of the wealthiest regarding GDP per capita and can be proud of the lowest unemployment rates in the world as well. So – although you can drive through this country in a day, San Marino surely has something great to show. Moreover, the climate there is just perfect as well!


Not let’s travel from Europe, and let’s get lost in the Pacific Ocean. Here we might find the fourth smallest country in the world – Tuvalu. This small and exotic country was once a British territory but became independent in 1978. Probably the only heritage left there of the British rule is the absolute only hospital in the country. Also, there is only very little roads there, and it might be pretty hard to travel there too. That might be a reason we can’t find many tourists there. But it is surely worth dealing with that since Tuvalu is so fascinating and beautiful.



Not so far away from Tuvalu, there is the third smallest country in the world with the name of Nauru. It is also a little island nearby the coast of Australia, and it is also very petite. In fact, Nauru is the smallest island country in the world, so the title is pretty big here. But some other titles are not so great. For instance, Nauru is also known as the country with the most obese people in the world, with 97% of its men and 93% of women being obese or overweight. Also, this country is number one with the world’s highest level of type 2 diabetes, with 40% of its population suffering from it. Not to forget the horrific rate of 90% national unemployment. But despite all that, Nauru is a one of the most beautiful Pacific Ocean’s pearls, worth visiting one day.


The remaining two miniature countries are located in Europe and both of these countries you can walk through. Monaco is the second smallest country in the world, but it is highly developed and worth visiting. It is the monarchy as well, and it can be proud of the largest number of millionaires and billionaires per capita in the world. So it is surely very luxurious and full of all those casinos you could see in many James Bond’s movies. The climate there is perfect as well since Monaco is located on the French Riviera. So it is an excellent mini country without any doubt.

Vatican City

Vatican City, although technically is a country, is not called as one on a daily basis. It is quite simple to understand, since this smallest country in the world in located in the city of Rome. Yes! You can find a miniature county in the one of the largest cities in the world! The biggest part of the residence there are the members of Catholic Church. That is because this town is the heart of the whole Christian world – the Pope lives there and rules this small country as well. What is interesting about this country’s economy is that the remainder of it comes from the sales of postage stamps, tourist mementos, and admission fees of museums. So Vatican City is truly an amazing phenomenon worth to discover once in the lifetime.


Townsville Holidays <![CDATA[Another curious Australian]]> 2015-11-25T19:34:38Z 2015-11-25T19:33:56Z Parrot in Australia

Townsville Holidays <![CDATA[Helpful Tips for Pier Fishing]]> 2017-05-29T00:11:39Z 2015-11-13T17:14:03Z fishing-rod-474095__180

Pier fishing is one of the easiest forms of fishing activities. This is mainly because of the ease of access to an abundance of fish with minimal fishing line casting effort. You’ll often find lots of beginner and seasoned anglers partaking in the activity. The following are proven pier fishing tips that you should take to heart:

Watch Out for the Birds

Want to quickly identify where the fishes are clustered or gathered? Watch the birds in and around the area. Wherever you find lots of birds around the pier, chances are that you’ll find more fishes there too.

Please note that the waters might be unclear during the high tide, thus necessitating a bit of trial and error fishing. If you also need to know the best spots for your pier fishing, try asking fellow anglers. On the other hand, you should try nearby pilings with weeds and bulkheads or seawall locations.

Always Carry a Dry Bag

Pier fishing can be a wet activity. You should, therefore, have a way to protect your phones, wallet and other essentials.

These bags are designed to completely prevent moisture and are virtually impermeable to water. So, if you have your things on there and the bag happens to fall into the water, you can rest assured that all your valuables will be intact and uncompromised by the water.

Identify Where the Fish Are

Thankfully, there’s an active community of pier fishing enthusiasts online, thus making it easy to find where the fish are in different states and localities.

So, search the forums for where particular species are abundant. You should also ask pier officials and shops selling tackle and baits. In fact, they can often tell you how far inland the fish are and what bait is best for catching them.

Don’t Just Rush to the Deep End

This is particularly important advice for beginner anglers. Most beginners tend to rush to the end of the pier and then cast their lines as far as possible. Seasoned anglers, however, tend to survey the pier and take other factors into consideration before settling on a spot from where they cast their lines.

Some of these factors include the color of the water –fish tend to hang out where the cloudy water meets clear water-, pilings potentially housing food and bait for the fish, and tide. So, if you know any expert anglers, watch where they go to cast their lines. Chances are they are right on the money.

Watch Pro Anglers

The good news about pier fishing is that many experienced anglers are often willing to offer advice and encouragement if you ask nicely.

Better still, watch how they cast their lines, see where and how they stand, look out for their specific baits –natural or artificial, bait for bottom feeding fish or shallow swimming fish-, and then try to use the same bait and tackle; particularly if you are looking to catch the same fish species that they intend to catch with their baits.

Be Aware of Your Environment

Pier fishing sometimes happens in places where other people –usually people uninterested in angling- go to have fun and hang out. This means that you have to be watchful of your immediate environment.

So, be careful about your casting styles. As much as possible, avoid using power casting moves in close quarters. And get your things properly arranged so it doesn’t get in other people’s way.

Finally, be considerate. Pier fishing is often done on a first come, first served basis. So, even if your friends aren’t around yet, don’t reserve spots for them. Let others use whatever spot they find. It’s common courtesy.

Oscar King is a freelance writer and fisher who enjoys all types of fishing. He loves to share with is audience his fisighing trips and tips.

Townsville Holidays <![CDATA[Photo: Overlooking the Ocean in Townsville]]> 2015-09-16T19:42:37Z 2015-09-16T19:42:37Z Townsville Australia Looking out over the ocean


Another gorgeous view from Townsville, looking out over the ocean.

Check out the views from Castle Hill for more great lookouts in Townsville.

Townsville Holidays <![CDATA[Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear – Photo]]> 2015-07-16T21:52:03Z 2015-07-16T21:51:26Z

“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” George Addair

Townsville Holidays <![CDATA[Not all those who wander are lost]]> 2015-06-20T19:40:18Z 2015-06-20T19:38:11Z Tolkien Ko Phi Phi Thailand

“Not all those who wander are lost” – Tolkien

Townsville Holidays <![CDATA[There’s no place like home: create the perfect hotel room for your guest]]> 2015-04-17T17:11:42Z 2015-04-17T17:00:00Z A great guest room combines the best qualities of a luxury hotel room with those personalized touches that make your home your special place. Ultimately, hotel guests like to feel as comfortable when away as they do in their own home. In fact, often they like to feel a little more spoiled than their home environment allows. Here are a few extra things you can do to ensure your guests are relaxed, content and settled.

Color me perfect

Even when travel arrangements go smoothly (and they often don’t) for travelers there’s a degree of stress associated with getting from point A to point B and dealing with unfamiliar surroundings, so start by considering the use of calming and soothing colors in your guest rooms, such as using shades of blue and green for example. You don’t have to redecorate every room in order to do this. If white or cream are the staple choices for wall and ceiling colors, and they are in good decorative order, then you can either single out a feature wall for special treatment, or simply accessorize the contents with cushions or throws to give the room some character and warmth. Ultimately, classic, attractive colors will make most people feel at home. 

Update the décor

Don’t be afraid to refresh rooms on a regular basis – this doesn’t need to be an expensive or time-consuming exercise, as it’s amazing what you can achieve if you simply add a bright new rug, a fun contemporary bedside lamp, or a chic ottoman.

If guest room windows are looking a bit drab, why not improve the view by dressing them differently? Swap tired curtains and faded blinds for stylish interior Classic Poplar shutters – they provide an excellent frame for windows of any style, in houses of any age or character, so you really can’t go wrong. Plus shutters now come in a wide range of colors, and you can choose varieties with movable louvers to help control the level of light in your guest bedrooms – perfect if your visitors would like an afternoon nap.

The adjoining bathroom

If providing en-suite facilities, make sure they are scrupulously clean and smell wonderful – most guests will expect personal soap, shampoo and shower or bath gel, all of which makes a world of difference. Add a little jar of potpourri, scented miniature candles or joss sticks for a lovely and thoughtful touch.

Fresh flowers or fruit on a table and a few books that are good vacation reads will add the final touches to your carefully crafted interior design ideas, if you are aiming to create a room that feels like “home away from home”. The same goes for drinking water and tea or coffee making services – these can be very welcome additions to guest accommodations.

Perhaps the most useful yardstick when it comes to anticipating what guests might want is personal experience – when you think about your own preferences, you are on the right track to getting it right for other people.


