tech – Townsville Holidays Townsville accommodation, holidays in North Queensland, budget motels & weekend hotels Thu, 09 Apr 2015 23:39:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 DirecTV Information for Consumers Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:00:00 +0000 When you want to rest and relax after a long day, nothing makes that easier to do than DirecTV. They have quality programming for the whole family, whether it is a movie that you want to watch, a music video, sports or something else. Also DirecTV internet ensures that you’re getting the entertainment you want and need at your fingertips.

A Look at DirecTV

DirecTV is a satellite television company with customers around the United States. They began providing satellite services in 1994. Since this time they have become a trusted company that has more than 18 million names on the service list.

DirecTV Consumer Information

Here are six more facts about DirecTV that might be of interest to you. Whether you’re a current customer or someone considering making the switch, these tips will help you understand why so many have already made that call.

  1. Your Choice in Channels

With more than 285 channels available on the lineup, DirecTV offers something for every viewer in the family. Day in and day out, there is always something on that you want to watch.

  1. Affordably Priced Programming

DirecTV offers a number of ways to reduce the amount of money spent on your monthly service. By taking advantage of the methods, it is very possible to pay very little for your programming. Right now there are thousands of subscribers who pay only a few bucks each month for DirecTV programming. That is a deal worth talking about.

  1. Serving Latin America

Although DirecTV serves the most customers in America, they also serve customers in Latin America, too, and there are more than six million television subscribers in this location, too. In the US, more than 20 million people trust DirecTV to provide their quality TV programming.

  1. Sports when you Want Them

If you like your sports, DirecTV has helps you get them. There are sports packages for fans of NFL, NBA, NHL, soccer and more, and with those packages you have access to all of your favorite sports as they air. Some packages include special sports programming, and additional options are sold at additional costs for those who are interested.

  1. Amazing Customer Service

There isn’t a company out there that can compete with the awesome customer service that you get when dealing with DirecTV. They have been rated #1 in customer service and customer satisfaction for several years in a row, and there is a reason why: They care about each and every person they serve.

  1. Lots of Extras

DirecTV wants to ensure that their customers are always enjoying the latest and greatest the world has to offer, and you will find many different extras to ensure this.

DirecTV is the top satellite provider in the US because they are a company that cares about their customers. They go above and beyond to give great service, outstanding programing and much more. These are just five important facts that you should know about DirecTV and what they can do for your entertainment needs. This is the first and only company that you need to know for your entertainment.

Written by Robert Kleymore
Internet technology expert, MIT graduate and a passionate blogger.

Photo by on Flickr.

Kids and computers Fri, 20 Jun 2014 17:53:00 +0000 Nowadays, kids are so used to any type of electronic devices that very often they know more about them than the adults.

Kids as old as seven or eight sometimes even have a bit of trouble using a PC, because in the last three years the notebooks and smartphones have taken the bigger part of the computer devices market. In the next 10 years, the technology may develop so fast that completely different devices may replace smartphones or laptops.

Young people have  started using computers in almost every sphere of their lives. In these days, you can do most things like sending mail or paying bills using the computer connected to the internet.

Kids use libraries in the schools much less than they used too. Now all resources are available on the school website and after log in student can download every book she needs in electronic format.

To arrange visit to a doctor, it is just a matter of sending mail. Kids are doing their homework using the Internet resources rather than reading books and trying to finds something useful there. Thanks to the Internet, the process of studying has dramatically changed from exploring, where students had to dig a lot in the books to get any information, to recreating style that is mostly about copying the same information by many people.

Pros and cons

There are both advantages and disadvantages that concern using the computers and Internet by the kids. The Internet can help teach the creativity and the awareness of the world as a whole. Of course it depends on which purposes drive the young people to use the Net. If it is all about the Facebook and Instagram, few benefits are going to be taken by the users.

But if the kid wants to extend the knowledge and is interested in the newest information from all over the world, the Net is the perfect place to do it. Young people are also able to develop their creativity on the computers. There hundreds of educational games that are useful at school subject like math, physics, geography or art. As we can see, the Internet can support various dimensions of children’s developing process.

Are kids safe in the Net?

The chance to spend nice time and learn something through the Internet is one thing, the second is how to do it and be safe at the same time. There are many relatively obvious threats that are lurking in the Web like spyware and computer viruses. Those things can directly influence the computer devices whereas there are also some threats connected straight to the users, especially the kids.Vulgar content websites like pornographic or containing brutal videos may very badly influence the kids psyche.

To avoid problems with Internet safety, parents should think about protecting their children. This can can be done by proper education and implementing specialist software. Software that’s effective usually means parental controls and antivirus programs. Education should be started when children are very young. They should be totally aware of how the computer and Internet work.

If you are interested in topic of parental control and protecting computer users, please visit

PCWebControl is professional monitoring software that allows taking control over the user activity by monitoring the computer traffic, blocking the undesired websites and filtering the email box.

Studying Abroad? How to Beat Homesickness and Be Happy Overseas Tue, 25 Mar 2014 05:00:00 +0000 If you have the opportunity to study abroad as you finish classes, don’t waste a minute of it being homesick. If you miss your friends and family back home, that’s normal, but there are things you can do to ensure you feel close to them as you focus on your studies and enjoy learning about a new place and culture.

Make Friends

If you miss your friends at home, make new friends! You can have new adventures, make memories that you can share with your old friends, and you will fill a void (if only for a little bit) that being away from your friends has left.

Join Clubs

If you aren’t the kind that makes friends easily, try to join some clubs or other organizations that will allow you to meet people with like interests. This will also expand your knowledge and take up some of the free time that you would otherwise have and probably spend missing your friends.


You can learn to Facetime (its free on iPhone devices) or video chat with your friends and family back home. This will allow you the actually see your loved ones as you talk to them, which can help eliminate some of that loneliness that a simple phone call cannot alleviate. Use VOIP calling to help cut costs.

Photo by Beverley Goodwin on Flickr

Photo by Beverley Goodwin on Flickr

Bring Photos

Whether you keep them on an electronic device or you actually have them printed out where you can hang them in your room, bring photographs of those you love with you. This will keep them close to you when you feel lonely and miss them.

Call Home Often

Hearing a familiar voice can do wonders to make homesickness go away. Call your loved ones at least once a week (even more, now that you can use a great WiFi calling app  to make calling affordable!) so that you catch up with them and tell them about the wonderful things you have learned and done. This will also keep you enthusiastic about the things you are doing with your studies overseas so that you can continue to share fun stories and make memories that you can share with those you care about when you return home.

Photo by Prasad Kholkute on Flickr

Photo by Prasad Kholkute on Flickr

Bring Something Sentimental With You

Don’t just bring pictures with you. Do you have a favorite stuffed animal or a favorite piece of jewelry? Bring it with you so that you can feel connected to those you care about most even when you’re far from them.

Buy Things for Your Loved Ones

For some people, remembering their loved ones by buying them gifts of new and fun things they find in their adventures helps them feel better about being away from their friends and family. If you see something your mother or father will love, pick it up and send it home to them. They will appreciate getting things from you and you will feel better about being away from them.

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12 Free iPhone Travel Apps for the Technically Challenged Tue, 07 Jan 2014 18:00:00 +0000 Back in the day, it seemed all you needed to get out and explore the world was a tattered Lonely Planet Guidebook and a backpack.

Today, most travelers have replaced their paper guidebooks with an iPhone or Android phone. While some of us may secretly pine for simpler times, it’s a fact that smart phone can be a great help when traveling.

Here’s a list of 10 iPhone apps that can make your travels a world easier.

TripAdvisor Offline City Guides (free)

Tripadvisor’s offline city guides work even without an Internet connection. This is a lifesaver if you’re on the road without WiFi or a data plan. The offline city guides have all the essentials, including restaurant, hotel and attraction info and a map.

The best part of the TripAdvisor Offline City Guides is that your phone’s GPS integrates with the app’s map even when you’re offline, so your location always shows as that trusty little blue dot. The city guides are only available for major cities.

Google Maps (free)

The Google Maps app is available for car, public transportation and walking.

Google maps will give you turn by turn directions, making it easy to get around.

FlightTracker (free)

FlightTrack is a simple, no fuss app for keeping track of flight information.

The app will tell you if the flight you’re on is on time, and also lets you know airplane info, your airport and your departure or arrival gate.

There’s a version of the app that costs $9.99, which gets excellent reviews on the App Store.

Clock (free)

iClockThe simple Clock app that comes with your iPhone has everything that you’ll need to work as an alarm clock.

It’s simple, reliable, and easy to use.

Since the Clock app is native to the iPhone, you cannot download it from the iStore. Just search your iPhone for the Clock.

Google Translate (free)

You can use the Google Translate app to translate to and from over 60 languages. It also has a helpful feature that will allow you to auto detect a language.

If you happen to have an Android phone, you can download language packs that will let you use Google Translate offline. Unfortunately, the language packs aren’t available yet for iPhones.

You can also speak into Google Translate and hear the translate spoken back to you which is incredibly helpful when your accent is a problem.


The Weather Channel (free)

The simple Weather Channel app forecasts the weather for almost any location in the world.

There’s a pay version with more features, but the reviews are a bit mixed.

XE (free)

Simply enter in an amount in one currency, and look for the converted amount in a list of currencies. The free XE converts 180 currencies, but does have ads

There’s a pay version of the app ($1.99) that does not have ads, but lets you monitor twice as many currencies as the free version.

Skype (free)

Skype, the granddaddy of internet calling apps, is reliable and user friendly.

Calls to the US and Canada are free of charge, and you can call other countries for reasonable prices.

Skype has video calling and speakerphone capabilities.

SkyScanner (free)

Skyscanner, a relatively new airline search engine, has an easy to use app for finding flights. It’s a useful tool for figuring out the cost of flights, and determining which airlines fly certain routes.

The downside is that you can’t book your flights directly with Skyscanner. However, the app can direct you to the airline’s website where you can book a flight. (free) is probably one of the few hotel booking sites that is equally useful in North America and Europe.

The app is simple to use. There’s also a computer based version of the app, and a last minute app called Booking Tonight for booking last minute rooms.

Bonus App #1: Facebook (free)

Half the fun of travel is being able to share the sights we see with friends and family. That makes Facebook a must have for sharing photos and updates.

Bonus App #2: Gas Buddy (free)

Gas Buddy gives you the lowest gas prices across North American. Most of the information is entered by users, and tends to be very up to date and accurate.

Gas Buddy also allows you to search for different types of gas, and lets you know the address and amenities for each gas station.

Are these some of your favorite travel apps? Let us know in the comments..


12 Free Must Have iPhone Travel Apps for the Technically Challenged

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